These are all the things that I made and blogged in 2024: handmade cards and artwork in the form of experiments in stitch and textile, along with some collage and a little mixed media. I joined Stitch Club from TextileArtist.org at the end of last year and started doing more embroidery and stitch-related artwork.

Clicking on the image should take you to the original blog post for that creation.

Handmade Cards

Over the years I have trimmed down my list of people I have to make handmade cards for. Between wanting to spend more time on other creative pursuits and having to manage my energy reserves, I haven’t been doing much card-making just for fun; instead I use each card as an opportunity to try something different (apart from when I just want to relax with my Copics).


All the things that aren’t handmade cards: a little bit of mixed media and Copic colouring, but mostly starting to experiment with stitch and textile. I even got around to building and painting a wooden kit that had been floating around for years. I struggled with organising my time and energy this year and creative pursuits fell by the wayside, hopefully next year will be more productive.

2014 ā€” 2015 ā€” 2016 ā€” 2017 ā€” 2018 ā€” 2019 ā€” 2020 ā€” 2021 ā€” 2022 ā€” 2023 ā€” 2024

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